If you or your children want to play volleyball and live in or near Leiden or Leiderdorp, Leython DC is the club to go to. We play in De Bloemerd and in De Does in Leiderdorp, 4 kilometres from the centre of Leiden. The ages of our members range from 3 to 76 years, playing volleyball on various levels:
- 3 to 6 year olds in our ‘Volleyball playground’ on Saturday mornings;
- 7 to 11 year olds in our 10 week Spike course, to learn volleyball basics;
- 7 to 11 year olds that train weekly and have a tournament every month;
- 12 to 18 year olds that train twice a week and have about 20 matches every season;
- adult competition teams that train once or twice a week and have 22 matches every season;
- mixed (men & women) teams that train once a week and have 12 to 16 matches every season;
- a limited number of ’training members’ that only train with a competition team;
- recreational players that only train once a week;
- and in the summer season, beach volleyball players on our own 4 courts!
Are you interested in playing volleyball with us? Check out our website using the links above with the help of Google translate, or send an email by clicking on the links below:
3 to 6 years old / 7 to 11 years old / 12 to 18 years old / adult competition / recreational players / beach volleyball
Volleyball in the Netherlands
Playing volleyball in the Netherlands means you will become a member of a club, with a yearly membership fee. Clubs are usually run by volunteers who are also members of the club. Any volunteering from players (and parents) will be highly appreciated and is a good way of getting to know other people.
More than weekly volleyball
Leython DC wants to offer more than just weekly volleyball. Several committees of volunteers organise a number of activities throughout the season, for example:
- youth camp in the Ascension weekend, for all 7 to 18 year olds;
- two or three activities like barbeques, pub quizzes and parties;
- mix tournaments for members;
- a tournament for about 40 company teams in June.
Need to know
- you can join the first three training sessions for free, but after that, you have to subscribe as a member;
- the training season is usually from end of August until the end of May
- the competition is usually from half of September until half of April
- if you want to end your membership, this has to be done before the first of June, otherwise you will pay for the entire next season!
Safe and positive sports environment
Every child and adult deserves a safe and positive sports environment. We ask a certificate of good conduct of our youth trainers. In case of harassment or other inappropriate behaviour, anyone can contact our confidential counsellor.
Other questions?
Volleyball related questions can be e-mailed to the responsible person(s) using the links above.
But you may also have questions about:
- membership registration: mail to ledenadministratie
- membership fees: mail to penningmeester
- volunteering: mail to vice-voorzitter
- clothing: mail to kleding
- other subjects: mail to secretaris